My family and I moved to Park City in 2015 after living in Logan, UT for over 20 years. Our journey to Park City was a leap of faith as we sensed God inviting us to a new chapter in our life, including joining a new company, finding a church home, and engaging in community. We felt right from the start that Mountain Life Church would be our new church home and quickly became involved in life groups as well as later supporting Outlet and Hub for the youth. We have met so many wonderful people and enjoyed rich fellowship and a deepening of our relationship with God.
My favorite place is “together” with family; whether celebrating birthdays in Disneyland, hiking up in the Uinta mountains, skiing the slopes, playing dominoes at the kitchen table, or reading together. Jocelyn (17) and Jaron (14) have embarked on MTB racing, creating new types of togetherness for our family. It is a joy and privilege to help shepherd the movements of God in their life and watch them grow up here in community at Mountain Life. Pamela and I celebrated 26 years of marriage this year and are ever grateful for life, family, and community! It is hard to believe we have been here already seven years. I look forward to the next chapters of life here with our family and am excited to see and experience what God has in store as he continues to expand his kingdom here in Park City and surrounding areas.